Blarney at Blakesleys Cruise Report
Begosh and Begorrah, it warmed the cockles of me heart to see so many of us celebrating St Patricks Day (a few days early on 13th March) at the MYCQ cruise event - Blarney at Blakesleys. There were about 20 assorted leprechauns and otherwise green-coloured personages in attendance. The boats involved were Affaire, Antidote, Kestrel, McMoggy, Nicky C and Purrfik plus an honorary monohull that joined the craic! Saturday morning dawned bright and sunny but there was little wind to help propel us down the bay. Evening sundowners held ashore in front of a glorious sunset with the boats at anchor spectacular in silhouette. A few Guinesses helped while away the hours in pleasant company and great social interaction. Political correctness went out the window as Irish jokes new and old, funny and not so funny were recounted. The night at anchor was very calm and peaceful. Some of the fleet made an early departure on Sunday morning but as a result missed out on the spectacular Devonshire Tea put on by Shane and Sue on Affaire.