By Col and Di Graham on Colandi

Ahoy Multi Cruisers! You know that we are so blessed with a beautiful bay and delightful weather this time of year. So when Cruise Captain Ray organised last weekend with a cruise down to Coochiemudlo with dinner at Red Rock Cafè, we made sure Colandi Cat and crew was ready to go.

Saturday a.m. found us struggling with low tide getting out of QCYC and the shallows of the channel to Bramble Bay. A gentle so'wester greeted us and we had a nice reach to St.Helena. Then the breeze fell away, incoming tide was at a minimum being neaps, so on with the iron trisail in an attempt to motor-sail so as to arrive before dark. Ahead of us were Alan and Phillipa on their tri Aquillo 1 and Tony and Gail on the legendry Nudgee Budgie. Commodore Bruce gave us a courtesy call from Shanda as he cleared the Huybers light. We sat on the foredeck with the autopilot remote, enjoying the southern bay scenery with dolphins and seabirds, such a wonderful waterway. Passing Manly boat harbor, I'm always amazed at the forest of idle masts, boats languishing tied up, and especially on such a weekend with gorgeous weather conditions.

We skimmed Colandi through shoals to take the channel through Point Halloran, passed the moored boats to Victoria point, squeezed passed the ferry which runs to Coochie every half hour and headed into the anchorage amongst the moored boats at the eastern end of the beach. We were delighted to see newly restored "Laurabada" lying offshore, covered up to protect the beautiful varnished topside and flying the QCYC burgee. She took line honors in the B2G back in 67, won the cruising division in the early 90s. Laurabada means 'big wind' in Melanesian, how apt. And the owner lives on Coochie. What more could you want? Maybe a multihull.

Unfortunately cruise Captain Ray and first mate Sue couldn’t join us, being down with dreaded lurgies! Chris Dewar and family were also unable to make it, so we just had to make up for them... Sundowners were enjoyed on the back deck of Colandi, seems we had the largest back deck! and it was good to catch up with everyone, especially Tony and Gail off 'Budgie' who we hadn't seen since the beginning of the year at Cat Quay.

As darkness descended we zodiacal ashore and a short walk up the beach to the Red Rock Cafè where we were greeted by owner chef Mike and a wonderful dinner awaited us. The cafe is byo and licensed should you run short. It was a beautiful evening looking out at the lights on the bay. Apparently earlier in the avro Allan and Phillipa had gone for a walk around the island and had found a good block of land. The suggestion at the dinner table was for MYCQ to buy it and build a clubhouse just like RQ have at Canaipa and MBBC have at Cowan Cowan. I just have to now sell the idea to the members...

Sunday rose to another day in paradise, but not much wind forecast, waved to Bruce as he was taking Lynn to church, while we tucked into bacon and eggs. Mid morning pulled the pick and drifted out saying our good-byes. Raised the sails in an attempt to lure some breeze. North of Banana Banks we picked up a south to so'eastly...o for a big lightweight drifter kite, (have to talk to Hackett). It was surprising to see quite a few boats out racing in the southern bay. Crossed paths with a brand new multi called "Lots of Knots" looked like a Fusion 40, someone will know, should invite them to join the club.

So we motor-sailed on to Mud Island for some fishing. Around 1 o'clock we pulled into Club Mud and were delighted to find Herb and Lorraine on Aqua Therapy, their newish Integrity 38. (Herb ran the B2G for QCYC) Fishing resulted in a couple of nice bream caught by Di. Sundowners with the neighbours on the back of Colandi, this is becoming a habit...we will get a reputation as a party boat! We were invited to dinner on Aqua and experienced another beautiful evening on the bay.

Monday, tried some fishing, some bites but not encouraging, no wind so motored home on a glassy sea.. would have been good for water skiing if we had more power! Another wonderful time on Moreton Bay, thanks for the comradery.

See you out there next time!

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