Jazzy June at the Little Ship Club North Stradbroke Island
By Ray and Sue Perry
There were scattered showers and strong S/SW winds on Saturday. Only Captain Ray on Purr~fik braved a bumpy night towards the southern end of Deanbilla Bay. Captain Bruce & 1st Mate Lyn on Shanda kindly offered Sue a lift over on Sunday morning. Both boats moved closer to the south of Deanbilla even though the wind was to abate and turn SE/E in the afternoon.
With the wind behind us both tenders managed to arrive at the pontoon of the Little Ship Club with ‘relatively’ dry passengers. The Straddie Flier had already delivered Wolfgang & Birgit as well as our editor Chris. Daryl & Alana sailed in on Ketos & anchored in One Mile just off the pontoon.
Lunch and a cool ale in the sunshine, with jazz playing in the background made for a pleasant soiree. When ‘Pelikan Mick’ (crew member from Rennaisance) arrived with some family in tow, ‘a’ cool ale turned into ‘a few’. With the jazz turning to rock we spread out on the lawn to mix and mingle more.
At the end of the afternoon Lyn decided to jump ship & head home with the ferry travelers so Chris jumped on board to be the replacement 1st Mate on Shanda. The tender excursion back to the mother ships was ‘fresh’ but luckily the wind had dropped. The pot luck dinner on board Purr~fik, enhanced by a red, soon warmed us all.
Bruce Wieland told the story of his uncle who, long ago, was a stand up comedian and entertained the lepers on Peel Island several times. I believe they used to laugh their heads off…
On Monday morning after a leisurely start, a 10-15 knot breeze made for a pleasurable sail to end the weekend.