QMYC members celebrated the Opening of the 1993-94 sailing season by lunching at the WMYC club house at Manly. Inge and Dieter did the catering so we all sat back and enjoyed ourselves.

Commodore, Bill Van Der Mark was on duty by noon with Secretary, Kerry. Kerry was only able to stay for lunch because of her daughter's eighteenth birthday party that night but Bill was there to the bitter end.

I was put on the gate which operates by key. It was interesting. . . A couple of people were relieved to be able to drive in without waiting. I felt like a security guard checking everyone as they tried to get in. I noticed Rob and Sharon McLellan arrived in separate cars.

Perhaps Sharon wasn't quite ready to go on time. Sabra Cruise turned up driving her own little car.

On the chow line Noel Jensen, Val Whiting and Andy Havas

These social occasions are great for meeting people. Dudley spent time with Bill Webb and his wife Angela. Peter Gaby and Dorette Chalk had a chatty time with Noel and Sandra Jensen, Gerry and Judeen Turner and Bill Withers and Maureen Williams.

Sally and Stan Samankowicz were excited about their new F25 which is being completed at OSTAC. Ron and Liz Davies were looking fit and relaxed. Living on SHAZAM agrees with them.

It was great to see former commodore Peter Herbert with a couple of friends from the sunshine coast - Ken Harland who owns an Inspiration 10 and Les Welburn. They are both Yorkshiremen and have a wit to match. Peter is working for sunshine coast Yacht sales and is planning to build a big cat. An incentive to return to QMYC's functions was his winning the port in the raffle.

Cliff Upton won the rum. Julie Munro said she'd take it if he really didn't want it. It was good to meet Peter Brady's wife Lorma and the DEVILMENT crew Richard Fuller, Leslie Pierce and Geoff Bacter. They were so keen to get sailing after lunch that several people who were only  thinking of eating were persuaded to go sailing as well.

Peter and Lorma Brady enjoying the repast

Paul and Mary Slivka dropped in for a while as did the Wynne-Hoelschere who had been working on SARACEN. Tony and the girls went sailing on AFFAIRE DE LA MER with Rob and Sharon, Alan Boon and Peter and Jo Hyndman. Susan was virtuous and went back to work on SARACEN.

Chris and Ray Black took Andy Havas and Val Whiting out in the PIG BOAT (or TRENQUILITY). SHAZAM also went out with Peter Herbert and his mates as did KERRY E with Pat Barker, Richard Jenkins and the Turners as crew for Bill.

Thanks to the DEVILMENT crew who encouraged everyone to go out we had a great sail to Hope Banks and back. I'm glad we went . It was so pleasant sailing along sipping white wine and having a chilled conversation uninterrupted by shouts or orders (You know what I mean??)

Many thanks to Chris Black our Social Chairperson for organising such an enjoyable afternoon.

Richard Fuller and Lesley Peirce wistfully thinking of DEVILMENT
Richard Fuller and Lesley Peirce wistfully thinking of DEVILMENT
Trevor & Ida Wuotl and Pat Barker enjoying lunch
Ken Darland, Peter Herbert and Les Welburn drinkng what appears to be frothy vegemite soup
Ken Darland, Peter Herbert and Les Welburn drinkng what appears to be frothy vegemite soup
"This bats working on the boat.. Dad!". The Wynne-Hoelscber Family
Stan and Sally Samankowicz

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