MYCQ50Multihull Yacht Club Queensland Inc

                            P O Box 178

                            WYNNUM QLD  4178

MYCQ General Meeting 4 June 2015

Location: Manly

Meeting opened at: 7:50 pm




Peter Sutherland

Zebb Peters

Richard Jenkins

Phillipa Bolt



As per attendance book.


Proposed: Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting held on 4th June 2015

Moved: Alasdair Noble

Seconded: Ted Kerr

Motion: Carried


Matters arising from the minutes

Zebb Peters has done a wonderful job fitting out the library.

Lyn, Allan and Phillipa have organising the library. Phillipa Bolt did a remarkable job by taking all the books away to clean them so they could be cataloged and put on the shelves.

There are a few additions to be made to the library to finish of the refurbishment, including a mat with club logo.

YQ, John Hamety will attend on our behalf.




Secretarys Report & Correspondence

Bruce Wieland has cleared the mail box in the absence of the Secretary. The only issue of note was to correct a membership card that has been returned. This has been dealt with.


Treasurers Report Allan Bolt

MYCQ Investment Account: $4889.15

MYCQ Cheque Account: $20616.24 ($175000 of which is in a higher interest account)

Perpetual Account: $25688.50

Payments out $4399.70

Payments in $3581.00

A new projector has been purchased (which is yet to be accounted for) as the previous one was unserviceable.

Proposed: That the Treasurers report be accepted

Moved: Alan Bolt

Seconded: Jim Stubbins

Motion: Carried


Sailing Committee Report


The Sandgate weekend proved to be a great event but unfortunately the number of competitors was down on previous years. Renaissance with a new spinnaker did very well to win both days. The start was at 1.00 pm because of the tide and concern about the monohulls going aground but the strong wind saw all the faster boats finishing earlier than expected (at low tide). Turning Point took line honours, followed relatively closely by Renaissance and Hasta la Vista. On OMR and Performance H/C the positions were Renaissance, Hasta la Vista and Turning Point. The stiff breeze (20 knots plus) was ideal for the big boats. The return race only included Renaissance and Hasta la Vista and they finished in that order. Zebb could not make the return trip due to a lame excuse. Something about the birth of his second son. Congratulations Zebb!

The Sanctuary Cove boat show and the Boat Works show were in competition with each other but there were a lot of very impressive large boats on show. A lot of multihulls were on show and apparently there were some significant sales.

The Great Bay Race was held on the weekend. From the start, the fleet led by frequentflyer and Airplay, split into two groups sailing clockwise and anticlockwise around Peel Island. Free Spirit, Hasta la Vista and Rushour emerged to the east of Peel Island to sail slightly off the breeze, directly to the north of St Helena Island which gave them a considerable break on the other boats. After the Coffee Pots, Hasta la Vista sailed a great race, sailing the western triangle first, winning on OMR and performance handicap. Hasta la Vista wisely went to North Reef first and sailed the western triangle because they thought the wind would favour the eastern triangle later. It proved to be a race winning move. Airplay out performed all the boats to finish first over the line, notwithstanding the clockwise rounding of Peel, but they did not sail the correct course, taking the red at St Helena on the wrong side. Free Spirit sailed well to finish within a few minutes of Airplay and take line honours. Positions on OMR were Hasta la Vista, Renaissance, Free Spirit and frequentflyer. On Performance H/C, it was Hasta la Vista, Free Spirit, Renaissance and frequentflyer.

In the Bay Series, Hasta la Vista and Renaissance are in the lead overall on OMR, followed by frequent flyer and Turning Point.

Alasdair Noble made the point that all boats need AIS for safety reasons and so they can be tracked.



The summer series is over but there is plenty of action to come in the next few months. The winter series starts in June and will run thru to the 25 July. A SAGS style race (no spinnakers) is being run in conjunction with winter series and QCYC expect a large fleet of boats. 

In the northern bay, the vintage yachts will be sailing.

Following the winter series at QCYC, some boats are heading north but two out of three of the events do not include berthing. This is proving to be a disincentive. Nominations for Airlie Beach are down on previous years.

Some big cruise events are planned for the trailables in the coming months.

There has been no decision made about the 2015 Australian Titles which were to be held in NSW this year but a venue is proving difficult to agree upon and no club is prepared to run the event at this stage. There is an opportunity for the MYCQ to jump in and offer to run next year’s nationals in Moreton Bay, possibly even early in the year if NSW does not run an event this year.


Cruising Report

The last cruise event was to One Mile on Stadbroke Island, then via Peel Island to Coochiemudlo Island and dinner at the Red Rock Cafe. A great night and with a westerly, it was a fine place to stay.

A cruise will be held to St Helena Island in the near future and with enough multihulls, a guided tour of the island will be organised.

Four skippers have indicated an interest in sailing to Stradbroke Island for the long weekend. Ray Perry to follow up the new and old members re the Stradbroke Cruise on the Queen’s Birthday weekend. A jazz day will be held at the Little Ship Club on 6 June.

The Wynnum illumination festival will be held on Saturday 13 June 2015 and the multihulls should put in an effort to support the event. The intent is to anchor off Wynnum beach and watch the fireworks. Bruce Wieland encouraged as many as possible attend and support the event.

Ray Perry is currently putting some thought into some options for cruising events over Christmas. Fraser Island or Noosa are possibilities.






Social Committee Report

We raised a $1000 for Melanoma Patients Australia. YA was very appreciative of our donation to Melanoma Australia.

The Casino night was a great night and fun for all who attended. The food supplied by members was great and added to the atmosphere. Lyn Wieland did a great job in organising the event.

On the strength of this a similar event will be held next year.

The Christmas function and trophy night has been booked for the 5th December and the theme will be starboard/green. It will be held at the Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club. Peter Hackett was asked to be MC at the Christmas event since he did such an outstanding job last year.

There will be a working session to sort thru the magazines. Col Graham volunteered to help sort thru the magazines.

The Brisbane to Gladstone history is a good read and books are available.





General Business:

MYCQ sail number issued M342 to ‘Heartbeat Two’.

12 The meeting closed at 9.05 pm and the next meeting will be on 2 July 15  

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