Flag Officers



Year Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore
2022/23 Adrian Relf Alasdair Noble Chris Dewar
2021/22 Adrian Relf Alasdair Noble Chris Dewar
2020/21 Vacant Alasdair Noble Vacant
2019/20 Bruce Wieland Alasdair Noble Vacant
2018/19 Bruce Wieland Vacant Alasdair Noble
2017/18 Bruce Wieland Vacant Alasdair Noble
2016/17 Bruce Wieland Mike Hodges Alasdair Noble
2015/16 Bruce Wieland Mike Hodges Alasdair Noble
2014/15 Bruce Wieland Mike Hodges Ray Perry
2013/14 Bruce Wieland Mike Hodges Ray Perry
2012/13 Richard Jenkins   Mike Hodges Ray Perry
2011/12 Richard Jenkins   Mike Hodges Ray Perry
2010/11 Richard Jenkins   Mike Hodges Wolfgang Veit
2009/10 Gordon Meyers    Mike Hodges Wolfgang Veit
2008/09 Gordon Meyers    Mike Hodges Bruce Dickson
2007/08 Tony Eppell Mike Hodges David Maguire
2006/07 David Maguire Mike Hodges Tony Eppell
2005/06 Tony Eppell David Maguire Richard Jenkins
2004/05 Richard Jenkins Corey Holden Dudley Young
2003/04 Dudley Young John Hamaty Corey Holden
2002/03 Dudley Young John Hamaty
Bob Forster
David Elliott
Phil Day
Tony Murray
Corey Holden
2002 Dainis Martinsons Peter Fuller
Bob Forster
Tony Murray
Cory Holden
2001 Ken Hurling
Dainis Martinsons
Diana Rylatt
Tony Murray
Cory Holden
Phil Day



Amalgamation Executive Meeting – 7.30 pm 12 June 2001

Representatives from three clubs for the Interim AmalgamationCommittee:

                Queensland Multihull Yacht Club

                Darling Point Sailing Squadron

                Trailable Multihull Yacht Assoc. Queensland


Multihull Yacht Club Queensland formed 9 September 2001  1000 hrs

under Commodore Ken Hurling and adoption of the new constitution


The Interim Committee of Flag Officers and Management structure was to be in place until the AGM of 2003 but resignations in this period resulted in changes to Office Bearers.      


The duplicate structure of the Interim Committee was:-

                Two Commodores

                Three Vice Commodores  (QMYC, DPSS, TMYAQ)

                Secretary,  Assist. Secretary

                Treasurer,  Assist. Treasurer

                Directors of Division, DPSS & General

                Rear Commodore             


Resignations during the period Sept 01 – Sept 03

 Phil Day  Vice Commodore Dec  01 
 Diana Rylatt   Vice Commodore Dec  01 
Peter Fuller   Vice Commodore Feb 02
Ken Hurling Commodore Mar 02
Ray Harris Secretary Mar 02
Dainis Martinsons  Commodore Jul 02
Aldonna Thompson Asst. Treasurer Jul 02
David Elliott Mar 03



Club History

  • MYCQ Flag Officers

    MYCQ Flag Officers

    This is the History of the Club's Flag Officers.
  • QMYC Flag Officers

    QMYC Flag Officers

    This is the History of the Club's Flag Officers.
  • Trailer Multihull Yacht Association History

    Trailer Multihull Yacht Association History

    Trailer Multihull Yacht Association History The notion of the trailable multihull in Queensland as a viable concept was developed through the early "Trailertri" folding trimaran designs of Ian Farrier...
  • Foundation of the Q.M.Y.C.

    Foundation of the Q.M.Y.C.

    Archive file by Chas Drew The early days of multi-hull yachting in Queensland was both complicated and vexing. Except for one exception, the Wynnum Manly Yacht Club, it appeared that multi-hull yachts...
  • A History of TRAILERTRIS and The TRAILERTRI Club  -   1978/1994

    A History of TRAILERTRIS and The TRAILERTRI Club - 1978/1994

    A HISTORY OF TRAILERTRIS and THE TRAILERTRI CLUB  -   1978/1994 by Margaret Finegan "HOW TRAILERTRIS BEGAN"  (taken from notes by Ian Farrier)  Ian Farrier first started building and sailing monohull dingh...

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