Bribie Cup and Coolaroo Trophy Report
by Tony Eppell
Typically a great weekend with a sail north, overnight in Scarborough Harbour, followed by a sail south again and this year met all expectations again. The weather turned out to be beautiful in typical spring Moreton Bay style. There was a bit of puff missing but the weather patterns were predictable – well, some of us thought so!
The start was on the north west tip of Green Island with Bruce on Shanda getting us away right on time. Spook won the start with Kestrel – at least it has Kestrel painted on the side but has obviously been on a steroid diet as it is substantially longer, particularly in the waterline – second.
Jag was the only boat to start on starbrd at the far end of the line but crossed with a lot of pace which kept them well in the hunt on the early beat to St Helena south east mark.
Boss, Spook and Turning Point chose to keep going east whilst Kestrel, Jag and Attitude went north early. At Mud East Boss had the expected lead with Turning Point second and all the rest of us in close company. Jag was still close in the mix having sailed a great leg.
Just before the Outer Measured Mile a debate ensued between some of us as to the need to consider a shortened or varied course as the 6 knot breeze was dropping out to 4 knots or so. This was resolved with a let’s wait and see approach. The next mark was Fisheries. We on Spook were too far behind Boss and TP to see which way they went but chose to sail big angles whilst the rest of our group soldiered straight for Fisheries. This worked and we had eyes on Boss and TP as we closed the mark and had made a 40 minute plus break on Kestrel with the others following her in.
The beat up to North Reef, which became the new finish line with Deception Bay Red being left out, was very light but sloppy which made it tricky. Boss finished at around 15.15 with TP some 20 mins behind. We on Spook finished about an hour after Boss but the others lost more time. Apparently the tail enders finished with kites!
A good time was had at the MBBC overnight with everyone moored close in, plenty of hot water in the showers, easy access to the loos, good dinners and a big fry up breakfast available.
Spook won on OMR with Boss taking out the PR event.
Next day saw another light weather event. Kestrel won the start from Spook and then the tactics came into play again. Everyone except Spook went out on one board until able to clear North Reef. Spook chose to stay in close and multiple tacked in the hope of picking up stronger fingers of breeze. The major tactical decisions involved which side to try to avoid the myriad crab pots, closely followed by when to put the kettle on. A very tight reach to the Outer Measured Mile saw, predictably, Boss there first followed by TP and Spook, then Kestrel, Attitude and Jag.
After popping the kite for the reach to Mud East, we on Spook decided to hold back a little as 5 big ships were making their way in or out of the bay. When comfortably clear we had a nice reach to Mud having a 5 minute lead on Kestrel at the mark. The new Kestrel really looks great now. The lengthened bows really make the boat look sleek – great job Richard.
The leg back to Green north west mark was dead downwind. Predictably Kestrel ran square, a real strong point whilst Spook played the big angles again. We were very pleased to only lose 4 minutes on the light air dead downwind run so that we crossed the line still a minute or so in front of Kestrel.
Spook scored the double on the two days, winning both the Bribie Cup and Coolaroo Trophy events on OMR. Sunday’s PR event was won by Kestrel.
Altogether a lovely weekend of sailing and camaraderie as we were joined by a number of the cruising fleet including Ramjet and Stepping Along as well as Shanda of course. Phil Wrench on Loose Cannon sailed out from Sandgate to join the run in to Fisheries. Put it in your diaries for next year!