
Westerley Trophy Race Report

By Barb and Jim Stubbings

As Race sponsor I was delighted that this race was scheduled at the time of year when  the type of conditions occur that this race was set up for originally in the dim dark annals of the QMYC days. When the race was originally run the keen racing guys used to go out in dreadful conditions and the results of their labour was perhaps a bottle of rum to the winner if they were lucky. I thought this was a bit unfair so I set up a decent trophy and provided a similar replica each year.

However on very few occasions if ever has the race been won in a clean sweep with the line honours winner taking our the PHS and OMR handicaps as well. If one poured through the results of most of the club races over the years I am fairly certain that there would be very few events where this has occurred in the past.  But this year  Zebb Peters skippering  his excellent Grainger designed  HP 33 racing cat, ‘Turning Point’ has done just that and taken out the triple. Many congratulations Zebb.

We should also make a special mention for the place getters who were:-

I understand nine boats took part this year which was a combined clubs event as well; I suggest that this is some sort of record in itself for this event. I think all the skippers and crews should be congratulated for braving the elements.