Entry form for the Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race

Below is a Preview of the information that will be requested on the yacht entry form

Owner/Skipper Details


Skipper/Owner Name*

Australian Sailing Number*


Home Phone Number

Work Phone Number

Mobile Phone Number*

Email Address*

The Yacht Rep is the shore based person who is the first point of contact in an emergency for the yacht. The Yacht Rep must be contactable for the duration of the race and must have the crew list for the yacht and next of kin contact information for all crew.

Shore Based Contact's Name*

Shore Based Email Address

Shore Based Phone Number*

Yacht Details

Yacht Image (Click to Upload)

Insurance Certificate of Currency (Click to Upload)*

Name of Yacht*

Type of Yacht*: Catamaran/Trimaran/Other

Sail Number*

LOA (metres)*

Beam (metres)*

Draft (metres)*

Displacement (kg)*

Hull Colour*

Deck Colour*



Type of Rig*

Largest Sail Area, Main Sail (sqm)*

Largest Sail Area, Genoa (sqm)*

Largest Sail Area, Spinnaker (sqm)

Largest Sail Area, Screacher (sqm)

Number of engines

Engine Fuel

Engine Type: Onboard/Outboard

Yacht Registration Number

EPIRB MMSI (AMSA Registration)

Is EPIRB being hired: Yes No

VHF radio: Yes No

VHF radio Antenna Location

VHF radio performance (good poor etc)*

HF Radio*: Yes No

HF Call Sign

Satellite Phone: Yes No

Satellite Phone number (if appropiate)

Current Club Arbitrary Handicap: Yes No

Yacht Club that issued the Arbitrary Handicap

Are you entering the PR Handicap Division: Yes No

Latest Arbitrary Handicap

Are you entering the OMR Handicap Division: Yes No

Do you have a current OMR rating on the MYCQ website: Yes No

Clause 3.01.4(c) For Multihulls the scantlings shall be strong enough to bear the stresses induced by the sea and wind in severe conditions, whether the boat is upright or inverted. Hulls shall be sufficiently watertight and sufficiently buoyant so the craft will remain afloat with one hull flooded. Yes No

Clause 3.20.2 Multihulls shall have the provision to pump out all watertight compartments with a volume exceeding 0.3 cubic m, except those filled with impermeable buoyancy. Yes No

Clause 3.25.1 (d) A satellite phone shall be carried that must be turned on for the duration of the race and the battery shall be sufficiently charged at all times so the phone can be used effectively when required. Yes No

Clause 3.25.4 (e) A VHF speaker facing towards the cockpit crew in the normal sailing position. Yes No

Clause 4.08 Foghorn, as per Category 2 requirements. Yes No

Clause 4.11.2 Handheld GPS. A second handheld water resistant GPS, as required for Category 2, shall be carried. Yes No

Clause 4.29 Grab Bag For multihulls a grab bag shall be provided to contain any appropriate and specified portable safety equipment that is readily accessible from a normal or inverted position without requiring the full immersion of a crew member to access it. The grab bag should float, be at least partially brightly coloured, be fitted with a lanyard and clip, and be marked with the name of the yacht, registration number and club. Yes No

Clause 5.05 Personal Locator Beacon as per the Category 2 requirements. Yes No

I agree to be bound by the rules and conditions of the race and enclose prescribed fees. I declare that the vessel nominated complies with the safety requirements of the Race as identified in the Notice of race, the Sailing Instructions and the MYCQ Sailors Handbook. I agree to indemnify the Multihull Yacht Club of Queensland, associated Yacht Clubs and the event organizers from all liability whatsoever arising from my participation in the event.

I agree to these conditions*: Yes No

Payment Method* Cheque or Money Order Please mail to: The Race Director, MYCQ, 126 Hartgreaves Ave, Chelmer QLD 4068

Electronic Transfer, Account Name: Multihull Yacht Club Inc. Bank: Suncorp. BSB: 484-799. Account No: 083884570

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