
2024 Brisbane to Gladstone Race

As discussed at MYCQ meetings over the last few months - the 2024 Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race will be a single event, run jointly by QCYC and MYCQ.

This reunites the monohull and multihull fleets after many years apart and should make for a better, bigger event for all participants, an easier event to organise and promote and a greater spectacle for audiences on and off the water.

We have been working closely with QCYC to finalise the Notice of Race and prepare the Sailing Instructions as well as all of the other aspects that go into running a major event like this. The briefing will be combined, the fleets will share the same start line and course and the presentation in Gladstone will be combined.

We would like to thank all of the other parties that assist in making this event happen and all of the sponsors - in particular we would like to acknowledge City Winery Brisbane who have continued to help us as major sponsors - please support them as they support the race.

All of the race information can be found on the race website -

Any multihulls considering entering - please send an expression of interest first to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and then we can assist you with the full entry process and track potential entrants, entry will be significantly discounted for MYCQ members so talk to us first! Spread the word and let's see a great fleet for the 76th Monohull and 59th Multihull Race in 2024!