2024 February MYCQ Multinews

1 Feb 2024

Hi all, I am back publishing the MYCQ Multinews which has been reworked and will now be a monthly email. It was decided to change the approach to communicating with members as stats showed that very few members were opening the PDF version, which was a magazine style publication.

If you miss a magazine they will be available on the website at
All historical magazines are also available there, but you must log in to see them.

MYCQ invoices for 2024 membership have been sent out via email. If you have not received it please let me know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you have anything you would like to include in the magazine or you have any feedback on the magazine then please send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you would like to advertise in this email then please send the advert to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Some of the upcoming events are:


The 2023 Trophy Night and Christmas party was held in December. 

Thanks to Ian and Debra for organising and Alasdair and Paul for arranging the trophies.

Congratulations to Kestrel for taking out the Club Championship for 2023 and Ian Cooper for being awarded the Goldrush Trophy for services to the club. The winners were:

Perpetual Trophy
Bundy Rum Barrel
Surf to City Offshore 1st OMR
Fairway Challenge Trophy
Fairway Challenge - 1st OMR
Not Awarded
Westerly Trophy
Bay 3 (Was Bay 5 but this became GBB) - 1st PHS
The Lady Claire
Bribie Cup
Bribie Race - 1st PHS
El Toro
Coolaroo Trophy
Island 1 - 25 Feb - 1st PHS
Indian Chief
Surf to City Bay Trophy
Surf to City Bay - 1st PCF
Indian Chief
Geoff Cruse Teak Whale 
St Helena Cup - Overall Winner OMR
Indian Chief
Hogs Breath Crystal vase 
Manly to Mooloolaba - 1st OMR
Not Awarded
Mooloolaba - Manly Trophy
Mooloolaba to Manly - 1st OMR
Not Awarded
Graham Wynne Trophy
Great Bay Race - 1st PHS
Silver Gull Trophy
Bay Series - Overall 1st PHS
Bay Series Line Honours Trophy
Bay Series - Most Line Honours
Indian Chief
Chas Drew Shield - OMR
Ocean Series - Overall 1st OMR
New MYCQ Shield
Club Champion
Navigator's Nightmare Trophy
Navigator's Nightmare - 1st PHS
Not Awarded
Old Salts Trophy
Best Cruiser
Not Awarded
Kareelah Trophy
Best Cruise Report
Not Awarded
Gold Rush Trophy
Service to Club
Ian Cooper

El Toro
Ben Kelly
Bribie Cup - 1st PHS
The Lady Claire
Chris Dewar
Westerley Trophy - 1st PHS
Wayne Bloomer
Surf to City Offshore - 1st OMR
Ocean Series - 2nd OMR & 2nd PHS
Drew Carruthers
Ocean Series - 1st OMR and 1st PHS
Alasdair Noble
Island Series 2nd PHS
3rd Overall Club Championship
Indian Chief
Geoff Berg / Adrian Relf
Surf to City Inshore - 1st PHS
Coolaroo Trophy - 1st PHS
Island Series - 1st OMR & 1st PHS
St Helena Cup - 1st OMR
Bay Series - Most Line Honours
Bay Series - 2nd OMR & 2nd PHS
2nd Overall Club Championship
Richard Jenkins
Great Bay Race - 1st PHS
Bay Series - 1st OMR & 1st PHS
Club Champion

2023 Race Results were (Performance Handicap):

Historical Club Champions (Club Shield)

Historical Kareelah Cruising Trophy Winners

Historical Surf to City Trophy Winners (Bundy Rum Barrel)

Historical Bribie Cup Winners


The 2023 Annual General Meeting was held in November. 

Positions were voted on and awarded to the following:

Commodore: Adrian Relf
Vice Commodore: Alasdair Noble
Rear Commodore: Chris Dewar
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Birgit Veit

Management Committee Members:

Richard Jenkins
Stuart Porter
Ben Kelly

Cruise Captain: Vacant
Multinews Editor: Chris Dewar
Trophy Officer: Paul Prior
Membership Officer: Stewart Porter

Trailerables Representative: Peter Hacket
Australian Sailing Representatives: Adrian Relf & Alasdair Noble

MYCQ History of Flag Offices

QMYC History of Flag Officers

Gino Morrelli - The Man Behind the Curtain

Gino Morrelli designs are getting a lot of publicity these days with Sailing La Vagabond's Rapido, HH Catamarans, Nacra 17 and the help with the America's cup yachts, but he wasn’t always at the bleeding edge of technology and yacht design. When he was young, his family moved from Texas to Southern California and they bought plans for (and built) a 33-foot Lock Crowther-designed epoxy plywood trimaran, which was the boat that began Morrelli’s racing career. Self-taught in multihull design, he couldn’t have guessed the legacy he was starting.

Over the next 10 years, Morrelli launched his first company building 18 square metre cats while he hung out in Hawaii. He then joined the design team of the Stars & Stripes campaign for the 27th America’s Cup in 1988 against the 120ft NZ sloop. After that his company Morrelli & Melvin took shape when Pete Melvin quit his job and joined up with Morrelli. The partnership would yield many designs including a few Gunboats, numerous Leopard charter cats, the Rapido line of trimarans, various America’s Cup foils, and HH Catamarans. They also worked with Steve Fossett to create PlayStation, a 125ft catamaran with 675 square metres of sail area.

To read more go to


Solo Race Around the World

It's never been done before. In fact, to date only four people have ever completed a solo lap of the planet in a multihull. The race started on 7 January 2024 and is expected to take between 40-50 days for the front runners -

Discusses the challenges these skippers will face as they not only chase the blistering record of Francois Gabart of 42 days, 3 hours, but just try to survive without destroying their foils -


How NZ Seal their victory in Abu Dhabi -
Watch the surprising test results of the SailGPs in-development T-Foils -
Watch the Abu Dhabi highlights

10th RORC Transatlantic Race

Sixth Gear Argo takes Multihull Line Honours -
Race Start -

Cure Marine Yacht (Will it be in the 2024 B2G?)

The 70ft Carbon Catamaran -

This email is available on the MYCQ Website at

Cruise Reports

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