
The MYCQ publishes a monthly newsletter (Multinews) for distribution to all members, advertisers, sponsors, and other clubs. This is distributed by e-mail as a “PDF” file and is available from the website once members have logged in.

Please Note: Members may advertise in Multinews (¼ page advert) or on this website (right hand column) at NO CHARGE for 2 months.


Multinews Advertising


¼ Page

½ Page

Full Page


1 month

$20 $25 $45 $90

3 months

$40 $50 $90 $180

6 months

$60 $75 $135 $270

12 months

$100 $125 $225 $450


Website Advertising

Advertising in the scrolling top banner is through sponsorship of MYCQ events. Please contact the MYCQ if you wish to sponsor the Annual Brisbane to Gladstone Race or any other racing, cruising or social event.


Top Banner
(850 x 150px)

1 month


3 months


6 months


12 months



Please note that the MYCQ may rotate images on the website where there are numerous advertisers. Advertisers will be notified if this is to occur

SPECIAL: Advertise in the Multinews and get 20% off the price of Website advertising. Note that the advertising duration on the website must match the advertising duration in Multinews to be eligible for this discount.

MEMBERS ONLY SPECIAL: 10% discount on the total price of advertising

Category: Club