Location: Manly

Date of meeting: 6-08-2015

Meeting opened at: 19.50



Peter Sutherland
Richard Jenkins
Mike Hodges
Jim and Barb Stubbings
Sue Perry
Peter Hackett
Jim and Libby Fern
Wolfgang and Birgit Veit


Attendance: As per attendance sheet


Proposed: Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting held on 2nd July 2015
Moved: Alasdair Noble
Seconded: Chris Dewar
Motion: Carried


Matters arising from the minutes: Nil


Secretary’s Report & Correspondence:
Emails from:

  • Andrew Stransky apologizing for using the DPSS pontoon;
  • Peter Wilkes from the Department of Transport re the use of the pontoon and the Multinews;
  • Peter Baker re AC 45s;
  • Andrew and Trish on board SV Sengo re recent meeting with the cruising group;
  • Lyn Hanlon;
  • Peter Hackett re OMR being skewed against small boats (a suggestion was made by John Hamaty that the OMR be called the MYCQ OMR, and Bruce Wieland reported that a review will be undertaken by a committee to be established to consider possible changes to the rating system).

Replies sent to Andrew Stansky, Peter Wilkes, Peter Hackett and Lyn Hanlon.
Proposed: That the Correspondence/Emails be accepted
Moved: Bruce Wieland
Seconded: Allan Bolt
Motion: Carried


Matters arising from Correspondence: Nil


Treasurers Report: Allan Bolt
MYCQ Investment Account: $201,714.19
MYCQ Cheque Account: $3,130.89
Perpetual Wealth Focus Investment Fund: $23,247.45

Payments out $4,556.38
Payments in $3,208.64 ($3,045.34 of which is from the Perpetual Investment Distribution)

Other outstanding amounts relate to the photography work undertaken by Julie Geldard.
Proposed: Julie Geldard be paid $10 per Gladstone Book and given a book as agreed.
Motion: Carried

Proposed: That the Treasurers report be accepted.
Moved: Allan Bolt
Seconded: Lyn Wieland
Motion: Carried


Sailing Committee Report:

In the Bay Series and Manly Combined Clubs the number of boats competing has been disappointing but this may be due to the series being run on varying days, a month apart and over the entire year.

In the Bay Series, Hasta la Vista is leading overall on 199 points, Renaissance is second on 195 points, followed by frequentflyer and Turning Point.

In Race 9 of the Bay Series, frequentflyer was first over the line, followed by Mojo and Hasta la Vista and on PRS and OMR the positions were frequentflyer, Hasta la Vista and Mojo.

Race 10 of the Bay Series was cancelled but only after the boats were out on the bay and had to struggle back into a strong westerly. This has been the second time this season that the Combined Clubs have elected to sail and abandoned the race after all the boats were out on the Bay, both days with strong westerlies.

Alaisdair Noble reported that most of the large boats are at Airlie Beach for race week and subsequent series.

Rod Mundle has suggested that the multihull nationals should be held during Hamilton Island Race Week next year. This would be instead of holding the Nationals in Moreton Bay as previously proposed. The advantage is that there would probably be a large fleet of large multihulls, with the only disadvantage being that smaller boats may not be able to sail the nationals due to the logistics and cost.

The Committee will consider the proposal and report back.



There has been no decision made about the 2015 Australian Titles which were to be held in NSW this year but a venue is proving difficult to agree upon and no club is prepared to run the event at this stage. There is an opportunity for the MYCQ to jump in and offer to run next year’s nationals in Moreton Bay, possibly even early in the year if NSW does not run an event this year. Refer to the Sailing Committee report above re the other option for the Nationals.

Ted Kerr reported on the winter seres and indicated that it was a good event with more multihulls than monohulls. Twelve boats entered but Airplay did not complete the series due to gear failure. With eleven competitors each boat had good racing with someone nearby at all times.

The Boat Works sailed well by Julian Griffiths won the series on PHRF (handicap) being consistent and being first over the line several races against the higher rated boats Boss Racing and Turning Point. Turning Point was second, Boss Racing and frequentflyer tied for third with Boss Racing winning third on a count-back. Boom was fifth, New Horizons sixth, Redshift seventh, Matrix eighth, Skedaddle ninth, Triple A Racing/Triton tenth and Outrage eleventh. Airplay only completed one race.

On OMR the catamarans did well, with frequentflyer coming out on top being always close to or being ahead of the higher rated boats at times. Indeed the first four catamarans were always in touch with one another, with the trimarans having opportunities in the lighter winds in the passage race to Scarborough but were foiled by the wind lightening off and in Race 7 where in light conditions Boom won on OMR, followed by New Horizons, Redshift, Triple A Racing/Triton and then frequentflyer and the other catamarans. Overall frequentflyer won with 5 wins (dropping a 2nd and a 5th), The Boat Works was second, Turning Point third, followed by Boom, Boss Racing, Redshift, New Horizons, Skedaddle, TripleA Racing/Triton, Outrage and Airplay.

The race back from Scarborough, called the Otter Rock Plate, did not form part of the Winter Series and was sailed in light conditions. Hasta la Vista sailed well to win the day on handicap, followed by The Boat Works, Boom, Boss Racing Turning Point, Redshift, Matrix, New Horizons, frequentflyer and Triple A Racing. On OMR it was The Boat Works, frequentflyer, Boss Racing, Turning Point,Boom, Redshift, New Horizons, and Triple A Racing.

The Winter Series was a great event that was championed by Peter Hackett who cajoled a big fleet of multihulls to create a great spectacle.


Cruising Report:

Last weekend was the cruise to Canaipa and was very enjoyable. The facilities at RQYS provided ideal for a barbecue and the anchorage was good with the prevailing breeze.

Cruise this weekend to Coochiemudlo Island where a meal has been booked at the Red Rock Cafe. 5 or 6 boats will make the trip.

The St Helena Island cruise is still on the agenda for this year and a tour of the island will be arranged. A programme will be finalised soon.

A cruise to Noosa is likely at Christmas.


Social Committee Report:

Socially, the activity was related to the latest cruise.

The main upcoming event is the Christmas function which will be held on Saturday 5 December at the Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club. Tickets are $50 for a seafood smorgasbord and live music. Last year the theme was port (red) and this year the theme will be green (starboard). Book early and start thinking green.

The library archives are being reviewed and there is a wealth of information about the history of the club. Chris Dewar suggested that it be scanned so he can add it to the website.

 12. General Business:

The Yachting Queensland conference was attended by John Hamaty. There were about 60 attendees. The main outcome is a proposal to centralize the management of Yachting Australia and all the state bodies in Sydney but it should not have any impact of the MYCQ.

Marine Safety Queensland went to QCYC to check on registrations and boarded some boats. They have the authority to board any boat.

The meeting was then closed to view videos of one race of the Winter Series abroad frequentflyer and a presentation by Chris Dewar of the AC45s.

 13. The meeting closed at 9.05 pm and the next meeting will be on 4 September 2015.

 Multihull Yacht Club Queensland

The MYCQ is Australia's premier Multihull Yacht Club. We count some very experienced sailors among our members, who have achieved many championships, titles, world voyages, Australian and even world circumnavigations. Also included in our membership are most of Australia's principal multihull designers, many builders and other people in the marine industry. This wealth of knowledge is a great asset of our club.
2021 Brisbane to Gladstone Start
Rex and Storm Bay at the start. Zero is the start boat.
2019 Brisbane to Gladstone Start
From left: Cosmos, Rushour, Top Gun, Fruition, Boss
2018 Brisbane to Gladstone Start
Hasta La Vista and Kestral under RAAF C-17A Globemaster III
2017 Brisbane to Gladstone Start
Rushour, Boss Racing, Plan B, Top Gun, XL2, No Problem, Hasta La Vista, Fantasia, Renaissance
2016 Brisbane to Gladstone Start
Free Spirit, Boat Works, Fantasia, Hasta La Vista, Boss, Morticia
2015 Brisbane to Gladstone Start
Moticia, Fantasia, Boat Works (taken from Renaissance)
2014 Brisbane to Gladstone Start
No Problem, BulletProof, Fantasia, Hasta La Vista, McMoggy, Catalina, Cut Snake

Club Membership

Become a new MYCQ Club Member or renew your Club Membership for the next calendar year, please click the link and complete the form online Membership Application Form

Club Calendar

The Club Calendar has a schedule of all the Club's Meetings, Social Events, Cruise Events and Racing Events.

Club Meetings

The Club meets on the first Thursday of each month at our clubhouse in Trafalgar Street, Manly at 7.30pm, except January, December and April. We usually have a guest speaker, demonstration, display, video or film. Visitors are welcome. Come and join us. We are located Here (Darling Point Sailing Squadron)

Become an MYCQ Partner

Become an MYCQ Partner by advertising on our website or advertising on our Club Magazine or by sponsoring an event. See Advertising Rates and Event Partnering Options. See Advertising Rates and Event Partnering Options

Boat Profiles

Send us a Photo of your Boat with the specs and history and we will profile it on this website with other Boat Profiles.

Club Library

The Club has a large collection of books which can be borrowed by members. See the list of books and magazines here.


Offshore Multihull Rating (OMR) System

The MYCQ Administers the Offshore Multihull Rating (OMR) System, which is used to handicap all Multihull Yachts. It is similar to the IRC system used for monohulls but is tailored to be applied to all Multihull Designs. This website provides:

The MYCQ regularly reviews the OMR formulas by looking at race results and analysing trends and new technologies to ensure the OMR system is current and as accurate as possible.

As with most handicapping systems, it is not perfect and rather than criticizing the system and the people that administer it we encourage you to become involved in the club and contribute to developing the system.

Our Online Partners

Redland City Marina North Sails